The End of The Beginning

The End of The Beginning

Tenayistilign to all of our supporters. This is the first blog post of our rebooted website. The website is being rebooted to be developed as an important resource for the learning community that is emerging following the completion of the first I-AM 101 course in Addis Ababa.

The completion of the Addis Ababa Introduction to the Principles of Animation course marks the end of the project’s ‘pilot phase’. To steal the stirring words Winston Churchill:

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Winston Churchill.

The members of the I-AM 101 project steering group are absorbing the lessons of the past few months want to get feedback from partners and participants on what you see as our achievements, where you see areas for improvement, and how you envision future collaborations.

While immediate feedback has been overwhelmingly positive we would like to go a bit deeper and initiate discussion on the future with your comments on the basis of your experience.

Trevor Jarvis and the Project Steering Group plan to continue into Phase 2 along tracks:

a) Continuing to offer the introductory course.

b) Providing additional training for those who have already completed the first four months of courses through an extended six-month program.

As part of the project’s objectives, we will continue to support alumni through developing an array of resources such professional networking, business mentoring and skills update seminars.

Based on our now demonstrated track record we seek assistance of partners and participants as we work to secure grants in order to continue and develop our work.

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