Trevor’s Mission
Trevor Jarvis, an artist, animator, educator, [and now creative director of the I-AM 101 project], has more than 25 years of experience in introducing learners to the core principles of storytelling through animation. Entitled I-AM, the exhibition held at the Hibiscus Community Centre in Newham, London, consists of twelve paintings 4ft.x3ft. in size, executed on canvass mounted on 5.5mm plywood and painted with acrylic paint. These paintings are part of a wider body of work, twenty-four paintings in total, that will be available for sale both as originals and as signed limited edition prints. The proceeds of the sale will be donated to the Imaging-Animation and Media (I-AM) Project: a project concerned with equipping young Africans with the skills to take advantage of the increasing global creative opportunities from which they are presently excluded. I-AM will transfer ‘Imagination Communication Technologies’ through imaging and animation media courses and workshops in colleges and other places of learning.
Clifford Headley – Trustee of the Hibiscus Community Centre
On 12 September Trevor Jarvis flew out to Addis Ababa prior to beginning the first I-AM 101 Course in Africa. At the current time Trevor is not receiving any payment for his teaching nor is he receiving payment for travel and accomodation expenses. Running the I-AM 101 project is a mission and an act of faith for Trevor especially and for the project team in general. We invite you to support this mission by donating what you can on Trevor’s ‘Just Giving Page’.